- the common property
- its assets
- buildings in the complex
- public risk
- other regulated insurance such as WorkCover.
- Carpets
- Carpet underlay
- Floating floors
- Fixtures removable by a lease at the expiration of the lease
- Temporary floors
- Ceiling coverings
- Temporary wall
Also excluded:
- air conditioning units which service an owners lot
- curtains or blinds and other internal window coverings
- mobile dishwashers
- clothes dryers
- other electrical or gas appliances not wired or plumbed in.
1. to the full replacement value
- the common property
- the Body Corporate assets,
- each building containing a lot
- improvements and permanent fixtures which form part of the building,
2. public risk over the common property for at least $10,000,000 for a single event or for a single period of insurance and it must cover:
- death
- illness
- bodily injury
- damage to property
and the Body Corporate must also take and maintain any other insurance which is required by any other Act such as Work Cover.
1. to the full replacement value
- the common property
- the Body Corporate assets,
- improvements and permanent fixtures which form part of the building,
2. public risk over the common property for at least $10,000,000 for a single event or for a single period of insurance and it must cover:
- death
- illness
- bodily injury
- damage to property
- Office Bearers Liability cover for Body Corporate Committee members
- Fidelity Guarantee against theft or misuse of funds and property
- Machinery Breakdown
- Voluntary Workers cover for anyone doing voluntary work for the Body Corporate
- Building Catastrophe for events such as bush fires.
- earthquake
- fire
- lightning
- storm & tempest
- water damage
- glass breakage
- damage from impact
- malicious acts and rioting
- any other incidental costs such as removing debris
- fees of architects and other professional advisers
- and must provide for the building(s) to be reinstated to an “as new” condition.
- the name of the insurer
- premium payable
- any claims excess
- the amount and type of cover
The body corporate may adjust an owner’s share of the premium payable to reflect the extent that the premium varied due to
- fixtures and fittings on their lot being of a higher than normal value
- the value of improvements made to common property for the benefit the lot owner
- the type of activities which occur on the lot
If a shortfall occurs as the complex was under insured because an owner failed to advise improvements made, the owner pays the shortfall.
- for an event affecting only one lot, the lot owner pays the excess;
- for an event affecting two or more lots and common property, the Body Corporate pays the excess.
The Body Corporate in a building or standard format plan must use a payout, provided it is lawful to do so, to repair, replace or reinstate damaged property, or for another purpose if approved by a Resolution Without Dissent.
In a voluntary insurance scheme, any payout must be paid to the owners who joined the scheme.
If the damage is such the scheme is to be terminated, and by a resolution of the body corporate or by a District Court order it is decided the payout be used for other purposes:
- Registered mortgages must be first paid from the insurance payout
- Any balance of the monies must be applied as required by the Court order or by the resolution.
Queensland Community Living Handbook
The information supplied on this website is general information only and as such any individual or company must seek their own professional advice, in relation to their own particular set of circumstances.
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction, distribution, or transmission, in any form, or by any means, of any of the contents of this publication without the written permission of the publisher Steve Reynolds is strictly prohibited.
Steve Reynolds e: PO Box 394 Surfers Paradise.4217